Difference between screen and actual road

The distance markers show the distance for a level road when the vehicle is not loaded. It may be different from the actual distance depending on the loading conditions or road conditions.

    See also:

    Road surface freeze warning indication
    1) U.S.-spec. models 2) Except U.S.-spec. models When the outside temperature drops to 378F (38C) or lower, the temperature indication flashes to show that the road surface may be frozen. If th ...

    Seat fabric
    Remove loose dirt, dust or debris with a vacuum cleaner. If the dirt is caked on the fabric or hard to remove with a vacuum cleaner, use a soft brush then vacuum it. Wipe the fabric surface with a ti ...

    Seat fabric
    Remove loose dirt, dust or debris with a vacuum cleaner. If the dirt is caked on the fabric or hard to remove with a vacuum cleaner, use a soft brush then vacuum it. Wipe the fabric surface wit ...