Rear seats



Seatbelts provide maximum restraint when the occupant sits well back and upright in the seat. Do not put cushions or any other materials between occupants and seatbacks or seat cushions. If you do so, the risk of sliding under the lap belt and of the lap belt sliding up over the abdomen will increase, and both can result in serious internal injury or death.



Never stack luggage or other cargo higher than the top of the seatback because it could tumble forward and injure passengers in the event of a sudden stop or accident.

See also:

Remote start safety features
For safety and security reasons, the system will fail to start and honk the horn twice or shut down the engine during remote start operation if any of the following occur: ● Any of the door ...

Stopping the engine
The ignition switch should be turned off only when the vehicle is stopped and the engine is idling. Do not stop the engine when the vehicle is moving. This will cause loss of power to the ...

Roof antenna
- Be sure to lower the antenna rod before entering garages, parking towers and other locations with low ceilings. - Remove the antenna rod before washing your car at a car wash. If the ...