
The scan mode lets you listen to the first 10 seconds of each track/file in succession.

The scan mode lets you listen to the first 10 seconds of each track/file in succession. Press the “SCAN” button to start scanning upward beginning with the track/ file(s) following the currently selected one. After all track/file(s) in the disk/folder have been scanned, normal playback will be resumed. To cancel the scan mode, press the “SCAN” button again.


The scan mode will be cancelled if you perform any of the following steps.

● Press the “RPT” button ● Press the “RDM” button ● Press the “RPT/RDM” button ● Turn the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial ● Press the “side of the “FOLDER” button” or “side of the “FOLDER” button
side of the “FOLDER” button ● Press the “● Press the “” or “”” button
● Press the “side of the “SEEK” button” or “side of the “SEEK” button
side of the “SEEK” button ● Press the disc select button ● Select the radio or AUX mode ● Press the “LOAD” button when there is free space in the CD magazine ● Turn off the power of the audio equipment
● Turn the ignition switch to the “LOCK” position

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